Thursday, November 17, 2005

Empire Strikes Back

Here are a few lines from a comment at Slashdot.

Boss: What's that? [pointing to screen]

Worker: Ubuntu. Been using it for a while. Works so much better than Windows and I'm much more productive.

Boss: Excellent! Good job! Keep it up!

[Boss shuffles off to his office, closes the door, and kneels before raised, circular object on the floor. Hologram of hooded figure appears.]

Figure: What is it?

Boss: My Master, there is a Linux-user here!

Figure: I see. The Rebels are becoming bold, moving faster than anticipated. No matter!

Boss: What shall we do?

Figure: Do nothing. I will send Darth Ballmer to deal with this "Linux-user."

Boss: Very well, My Master.

[Hologram disappears]

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Got a new Multimeter

I cant stop bragging about new electronic equipment. So, here I go. Bought a new Multimeter. Its a M890G. Here are the specs.


DC A: 2mA-20mA-200mA-20A±1.2%
AC A:20mA-200mA-20A(40-400Hz)±3.0%

Capacitance:2000nF-20nF-200nF-2uF-20uF ±2.0%
Temp:-50°C---- + 1000 °C±5.0% Resolution 1 °C

Frequency: 20Khz Resolution: 10Hz
Audible continuity
Clamp size:1.30inch max.
batt:1.5Vx1 AA